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November 19, 2022 | Admin

Find below some of the guide lines to help you for buying Real leather shoes for this festive occasion and stand tall in the crowd with perfect looks.   Don't fall into trap during buying of Genuine leather shoes. It’s essential to buy a good leather shoes but no point to buy a shoe which you are not comfortable in. Always remember that you have to walk, pose, dance and do a lot of footwork with your shoes on so the best thing is to prevent yourself from buying a shoe which you're not fitted well with upmost comfort. You need to keep in mind the purpose or occasion for which you intend to purchase the Shoes. Shoes must match with your outfits, you might not mind wearing any pair of leather shoes with your suit but they do make a significant difference in your overall appearance if been hand-picked properly. Please do not make mistake by wearing a new leather shoes directly on the event itself. Most of the leather shoes take a bit of time to adjust in your feet. So try your new leather shoes twice or thrice and move around the house on carpet for a week before the event to bring you at ease.

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